is a consulting company specialized in helping the companies to reach their vision through right management practice. We believe that the top managements of any enterprise should manage the company with 8 objectives and 4 needs in order to prosper and continue the busines in the future. helps the companies to align the objectives to their vision and assists in building balanced 4 needs to reach the objectives.

7P Action Plans and 4x3 Business Analysis Matrix are some of the tools that has developed which have been proven to be effective in both for understanding the current business status and for assisting to reach their goals.

If you are interested in knowing more about our service, please feel free to contact Andrew at and please note that reserves the right to select the companies to be served in its own discretion. inc is incorporated at 601-B158 Ho 147 Nojac-Ro Hwasung-Shi Kyunggi-do 18455 Repubic of Korea with the registration no. 134811-0618960